
Waterproofing of Sunken Slabs

July 09, 2022 563 people Latest news

Some rooms in the house like the kitchen, utility area, toilet and bathroom are unceasingly exposed to dampness and moisture. And concrete, cement, tiles and bricks cannot help prevent dampness issues, unless they are accompanied by robust waterproofing systems. Water penetration caused due to a lack of water-tightness in the concrete structure can manifest in the form of dampness, leakages and debonding of tiles which are often the result of poor design and primitive methods of waterproofing. Decisions made during the design stages can have serious implications on the construction and future maintainability of wet areas. Hence, sunken area waterproofing can prove to be extremely beneficial in safeguarding these moisture-prone spots and protecting them from water. Furthermore, in Indian societies, the problem of water seepage from one house to another is fairly common. This mainly happens due to a faulty or lack of sunken area waterproofing which helps prevent seepage of water from walls to adjoining rooms and floors. It is a modern cementitious waterproofing technique that prevents leakages from sunken areas in the house that are in constant touch with water.

For more details please contact us at 981028534.

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